The Fund

“Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source.”
~Warren Buffet

Investment Objective

The Fund’s overall investment objective is to achieve capital growth and superior returns through active management of the Fund’s positions and the relevant risks involved therein.

Investor Profile

The Fund’s EMN strategy has a low/medium risk profile and is addressed to investors seeking to outperform bonds without carrying the high risk-reward profile of more aggressive ones.

Lion Alternative Fund – ETiCA Management Strategy

Lion Alternative Fund – ETiCA Management is a strategy designed to deliver positive performance without exposing investors to the risk of the overall equity market. The strategy works by taking long positions in stocks that are expected to outperform and short in stocks expected to underperform. Lion Alternative Fund invests and trades predominantly in the most liquid listed equities within the S&P 500 and related instruments (such as ETFs) by implementing a Long/Short Overlay strategy.

Investment Themes

Lion Alternative Fund

Click on the pyramid to discover our themes.

Lion Alternative Fund


Evaluation of indicators from investor groups, management and derivatives market. ESG criteria.


Identification of companies with high earnings quality and visibility.


Determination of a company’s relative performance compare to its peers, based on direct priced-based and indirect measures.


Selection within-industry of “cheap” companies based on value metrics such as dividend yield, P/B and P/E ratios.

Discover Our Track Record

Our past portfolio performance indicates the past success of our strategy. Contact us if you would like to discover more information.

Lion Management Sàrl is registered with the Luxembourg Business Register under the number B237822 its quality of General Parner of Lion Alternative Fund duly registered with the Luxembourg Business Register (RCSL) under number B224771.

CreaTrust Sàrl is a Limited Liability Company registered with the Luxembourg Business Register under number B110593 is also registered as Chartered Accountant (Expert-Comptable) with the Ministry of Classes Moyennes under N 00136001/2 and is authorised to practice in Luxembourg. Creatrust Sàrl is involved in all Anti Money Laundering/Know Your Customer checks for Lion Alternative Fund and is therefore committed to review all investors listed present in the Fund register in accordance with the standard of rules as defined into the KYC/AML Europeran Directive (EU) 2015/849 duly implemented into the Luxembourg Law.

SFDR which is part of a broader legislative package under the European Commission’s Sustainable Action Plan, came into effect on 10 March 2021.
To meet the SFDR disclosure requirements, the Luxembourg AIFM identifies, assesses and, where possible and appropriate, seeks to manage Sustainability Risks for the Partnership as part of its risk management process. The Luxembourg AIFM believes that the integration of this risk analysis could help to enhance the long term value of the portfolio for Investors, in accordance with the Investment Objective and Investment Policy of the Partnership. However, due to the nature of the Investment Objective, Sustainability Risks are not integrated in the investment decisions.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Partnership is not promoting environmental or social characteristics within the meaning of article 8 of SFDR nor has sustainable investment as its objective within the meaning of article 9 of SFDR. For the purposes of Article 6 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the Luxembourg AIFM confirms that the investments underlying this financial product (i.e. the Partnership) do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. The Luxembourg AIFM does not, and does not intend to, consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors, as per Article 4 1.b) of SFDR.

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